Monday, June 22, 2009

Women of Wisdom: the Book!

I have participated in a conference just for women, and have found it inspiring and strengthening. One of the speakers stands out for me - Angeles Arrien. She is a cultural anthropologist, award-winning author, educator, and consultant to many organizations and businesses. She lectures and conducts workshops worldwide, bridging cultural anthropology, psychology, and comparative religions. Her work is currently used in medical, academic, and corporate environments.

Here is a bit of what she said in addressing the Women of Wisdom some years ago:

When in your life did you stop singing? When in your life did you stop dancing? When in your life did you stop being enchanted by stories and particularly you own life story?

I am at home when I have fire; when I am deeply connected to what has heart and meaning, the heart's fire; when I am seized by a vision that I want to manifest and bring to the sweet face of Mother Earth. I know I am on fire when I have connected to something numinous and extraordinarily beautiful that can only be found when trusting in an unshakable part of myself, in a sacred refuge that I can find in my deep interior.

Well that set me on fire!

The annual Women of Wisdom conference began, of course, as a dream. Like any dream it took work and perseverance, and lots of sweat, laughter and tears. It started with Kris Steinnes' dream.

Here are a few words from the author and originator of Women of Wisdom:

Women of Wisdom is a journey through sixteen years of one of the largest women’s spirituality conferences in the world, a very unique conference that has impacted thousands of women’s lives. Authors Jean Houston and Margot Anand both exclaimed separately to me – “Kris there is nothing like this in the world” – and they have traveled around the world. The book will continue to impact women, as they experience the wisdom and gifts of the sixty contributors in the book.

The Women of Wisdom book gives women access to powerful, inspiring women leaders and their message for women to step into their power, own their feminine gifts, and learn to speak their truths. WOW provides role models who will inspire women to discover their dreams and their purpose.

Additionally the book shares stories from women whose lives have been changed by experiencing these women’s messages. Evocative art, poetry and experiential exercises enhance the book’s message, providing diverse ways to experience the spirit of the feminine.

The book Women of Wisdom by Kris Steinnes, will be offered beginning tomorrow, June 23rd, 2009 at 12:01 am. We invite you to go to this page - - to access the order page and then go back to the same page and enter your order confirmation code and your email address. That will take you to the sign up page for the Women of Wisdom e-newsletter. Once you join the WOW book group you will be sent an email with a link to the bonus gifts that are available to people who buy the book on June 23rd. You can later opt out of being on the Women of Wisdom newsletter list if you choose.

Enjoy the read!

1 comment:

ksteinnes said...

Thanks for posting the WOW book on your blog. Appreciate the support. Kris